Press Review | CD “French Music”

Press Review | CD “French Music”

by Andy Gill, 2011

“This collection of pieces from the 19th and 20th centuries is intended to display the increasing range and versatility of the French horn following the addition of valves to the instrument – although the essential sonic personality remains unchanged throughout, from the mournful grace of Saint-Saëns’s “Romance for Horn & Piano” to Poulenc’s “Elegie” written in the late 1950s in memoriam of horn player Dennis Brain.”

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by Fritz Trümpi, 2011􏰭􏰁􏰫􏰅􏰁􏰂􏰅􏰉􏰬􏰬 􏰧􏰋􏰂􏰉􏰅􏱈 􏰹􏰂􏱉􏰥􏰬􏰉 􏰮 􏰢􏰡􏰣􏰣􏰘􏰡􏰖􏰘

Das Horn ist in seiner solistischen Erscheinung gewöhnlich nicht gerade ein Publikumsrenner. Entsprechend selten ist es im Konzertsaal zu hören. 

Fanfare Magazine
by Robert Markow, 2011

“Guglielmo Pellarin, principal horn in the Santa Cecilia National Academy Orchestra in Rome, turns in a program of six works by five French composers. Some of these are well known to horn players, others less so.”

American Record Guide
by Barry Kilpatrick, 2011

“An excellent recording of Italians playing French music. Guglielmo Pellarin is principal horn of the Santa Cecilia Academy Orchestra in Rome; Federico Lovato has a thriving career as pianist, cellist, and artistic director of the orchestra I Solisti in Villa.”


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